These Days


I think you should leave France. You are a happy, spirited guy. You guys should pack up, come back from wedding and not return.
Karen said…
No, if you really are throwin into your writing then stay until the motivation or the momentum wanes.
Reilly Owens said…
Hey, thanks for remaining interested in spite of the lack of posts. Sometimes things move around in my life and upset my routines, and I find it hard to write everyday. Plus, I've been working on this story and I got a little hung up on plotting and research. But I'll have a new chapter up soon.

Janice, don't get too worried about me. I can't always seem happy and spirited, especially if this blog is going to be current and honest. I've chosen a life that is often frustrating, and I'm realizing certain truths about it that I've always denied, such as the fact that I'm not really as good as I thought I was and it's going to take a lot more time than I had imagined. But I'm happy with what I have been able to accomplish.

France has been great. I'm not always doing it right--I spend an awful lot of time dithering inside the apartment. I probably would have seen more of France if I'd just come on a month-long trip instead of this year-long sabbatical. But I have the opportunity to live the life I've wanted: writing, reading, watching movies.

I do miss certain things: friends and family, convenient meals, and movie theaters and a TV screen bigger than my 12" laptop. But this trip has been great for stripping away those illusions I've had about me being a wunderkind. I have a better idea of what I need to do, and only struggle with actually doing it.

It's amazing how little I can do with a large amount of free time. Sometimes the burden of everything I want to accomplish is so heavy, I just put it all off until the next day--or the day after that. But I'm learning all the time what works and what doesn't.

Anyway, I hope to put something new up by tomorrow, and I'll try to step up the pace a bit.


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